Helidon Haliti Helidon Haliti
Creator of VIZART, President of IWS (International Watercolor Society) Albania
IWS Albania

The artist is similar to the river that cannot find rest but continues to flow in search of the sea …; but differently from the river that streams from the height towards the down, the artist overflows towards the peaks; he doesn’t descend, but climbs toward the height of the human spirit, heart and mind, extending himself all over the cosmos and all over the human micro cosmos. The artist accepts neither limits, nor rest; he occupies always new lands …; he is always in movement and searching …

Helidon Haliti

Heldon Haliti belongs to the new generation of contemporary Albanian students that are graduated during nineties in the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana. The picture students of these years have had the possibility to apply modern-day methods and materials while being taught by Albanian professors and lecturers invited from France, Italy, Swiss, etc. Prior to this time the works and exhibitions of the modern arts as well as of the different experiments were forbidden and punishable as “heresy”. Of this time period is the joint exhibition of the teachers and students in the NGA (1993), their contacts with and visits in museums and galleries abroad, as well as the students’ aspirations for more freedom in the art, according to the European and other well known models. This atmosphere of emancipation being already hoped by all artists, especially by their yang generation, had influenced on the education of the painter Helidon Haliti since the he was a student. He has been present always in numerous exhibitions in Albania and abroad, especially in Greece, where he actually lives and creates. Haliti realizes his works in different genres and techniques. The drama of emigration and the spiritual distemper he is still suffering as an emigrant are reflected in several pictorial cycles, such as “The Legs”, “The pigeon”, “The cage”, “Eva and Adam”, etc. Haliti insists in preserving the light of the Albanian nature in his picture. He paints with powerful colors creating works that radiate spiritual warmth, esthetic beauty and artistic workmanship. Haliti’s fables communicate easily with the public for his works unfolds and transmits actual messages and ideas; the images he chooses are picked up from the true life and nature. The painter is less dramatic in the cycles “The tree”, “The seasons”, etc, whereas he is more poetical and lyric in his recent cycles, manifesting his abilities as a colorist and delicate master of the color, an artist of modern visions with relation to the way he follows in realizing his compositions, where parallel to official figurative forms and elements one can see an accurate designer, who is very intuitive with regard to the choice of appropriate and current materials and structures (Adam and Eva). People stand nailed before some Haliti’s pictures trying to “read” their motif, whereas in other pictures he invites the spectators “to enter them”, in order to trace the painter’s travel through the labyrinths of the world he has created by the means of his brush and his fantasy. They are beautiful, both of them, for they contain sincerity and love. The works of the painter Helidon Haliti can be found in the collection of the “Mezuraj Museum” as well as in many other collections within Albania and abroad.
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